
I'd rather see Henry Owens or a "right" Clay, or a number of other pitchers, but I bet Dunn's Price will be right in line with what we're looking to pay for Pitching. He has a presence on the mound, that's for sure.

I hope the Red Sox sign him to the rotation next year!

I would watch this...and I don't watch much TV

Fuck him and Albert Burneko for President of Twitter.

I am Darren Rovell (says the picture)!


Kids have all the fun!

This is why I prefer to buy new...depreciation is easier to wash off than that filth.

Holy shit balls - finally ponied up for an Authentic Jersey and ALMOST went with JLester - there's so many trades happening, I could still be in trouble.

I scream, you scream, we all scream at Walmart Ice Cream....er Non-Dairy Snack!

I don't see any candles on said Cake...candles or GTFO!

Purple?!! Try Plum...gosh this never ends!

That looks gross and I want to try a bite or many.

Really Disney? Really?! You couldn't come up with a better idea?

Watched until the end so I guess it was good! The last one is the best.

Excited about this and the white PS4 it's coming with!


These systems sound like additional layers of control, all of which is removing the drivers ability to navigate from said hazard. Speculating but would hate the feeling of making a corrective adjustment only to have the car cause the crash.

Toyota need only release a legit (read: not like any current Toyota) updated Supra to take back the coveted younger demographic.