
Can you imagine DDL’s method acting if he’d have been in this role?

Yeah. That’s not happening.


If DiCaprio doesn’t win the Oscar, he may rip open the stomach of Matthew McConaughey and crawl inside for warmth. Seriously, it does seem the Academy has been holding out on Leo. One can argue he has been Oscar worthy since This Boys Life (which predates Gilbert Grape). He definitely should have won for Catch Me If

I feel like this is what Jia’s post addresses, though. Why expect multiple writers to hold to some singular editorial vision when that has never really typified this place? The failure to do so always seemed like a conscious effort on the part of editorial staff, one that seems to bother people to varying degrees.

Right there with you. I was a Deadspin/io9 reader mostly, but over time I saw enough cross-posts to notice that there was some interesting work being done at Jezebel. It ain’t perfect, but I can’t name a blog that is.

I loved this. I loved ALL of this. I know I’m going to get slammed for kissing your ass Jia, but I don’t care. This is the piece I’ve wanted to read from a Jezebel EIC for a long time. The promotion has changed you for the better.

No Offense

It’s strange to edit a feminist website when almost nothing offends you, because the feminist website is

I love Bernie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My skin itched when I read that Martha Stewart was lumped in with the Housewives Of Who The Fuck Cares. Martha Stewart did shit, owned shit and has created a legacy. She is the doyenne of domestic. I fucking love her.

So Beckham balked at Ball, who was brandishing a baseball bat for Bene Benwikere? And Brad beckoned Beckham to back up from Ball’s bat?

Oh god, the autoplay! All three at once? I thought we were friends?!

I think the penalty for having kids and then dying is like, two hundred hours of community service.

There’s no way to be confused about that!

Right? Wtf has she got to apologise for??

20 years ago: “I’m offended.”

Good Lord, people really took offense with Krakowski’s character arch? It was an absolutely clear jab at racism in our society, not at the Native-Americans themselves. There’s no way to be confused about that!

To be fair-ish, didn’t Chris Rock stop performing at colleges for more or less the same reason? He and a few other minority comedians probably feel the same way Fey does.

I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.