
The crowd repeatedly loudly called close balls “out” when in fact they were in. It was very disconcerting; that was the major problem.

I see one of those cheap light stands. What is it really?

My fave changes every so often; at first, I questioned this transigence, but now I recognize it as an integral part of K-Dot’s interrogation and acceptance of Blackness. Love him, this album, so much.

I don’t know what to do. “The death penalty is too good for him” line speaks to my philosophy but my dearly departed dad hated that Julia Roberts was “Americca’s Sweetheart.”

Never saw one episode of Friends and only saw a handful of Seinfelds, but I would wager the latter is more worthy than the former. Also, Bayer has a show/sketch that she does and it is friggin hilarious.

The people who are trying him are obviously non-Christian heathens, who don’t know that the woman in the man’s property. May God have mercy on their unsalvaged souls.

I suppose Rigoletto is never staged there.

Second gif from top is my go-to.

I want Angela Lansbury/Jessica Fletcher to be taught in schools. She is a feminist icon, if ever.

1) Why is this post seizing?

Bobby, let’s you and me take it a step further—for GSA—and get married.

The only reply.

For real! “Ragged” is the opposite of what he looks.

Also, the comparison does not make one a bigot; of that I’m certain.


I’ve said this elsewhere. I’m a black woman who experiences gender fluidity. While I, and a lot of my hi-yella family identify as black, others, both black and non-black, have ascribed other racial identities to us.

No, and don’t be so disingenuous. Are you denying that sentiment is/has been prevalent on this site—and beyond, for that matter?

“It’s always more disturbing when black people are unaccepting of LBGTQ rights, given that others fought for their rights not too long ago.”

I can’t believe that Kaling’s completely understandable rejoinder—not joke—was whaat was highlighted instead of Stephanopoulos saying that an 11-year-old character was “really/well put together.”

Bacterial vaginosis. If he doesn’t think it matters about which act comes first, his girlfriend is probably suffering from his poor hygiene.