
I can't imagine the Gilead regime takes kindly to fucked up alcoholics and broken down old men.

Guys like Nick, obviously.

The entire NFL escaped to Canada, obviously.

Hey Now, You're An All-Star, Internet!

I wouldn't mind a sci-fi one. Comedy would be a bit trickier.

That would also make sense because either way, the CIA wins. They take out Bourne or at least they get rid of some scumbag.

IIRC both Biel and Reynolds said point blank that they barely spoke to Snipes, and 90% of the time they were on-screen together it was actually with Snipes stand-in/stunt double.

Legit disappointed we didn't get an entry on Team America or Kung Fu Hustle - action comedy is a really hard combo to pull off.

I would like the revelation that Mark works in some field that's going to be completely fucking crushed to oblivion by the end of the decade. Typewriter magnate or something.

Oh hey, I did a bunch of the annotations for that album. Neat to see people appreciate it.

John Cena in particular is notorious for it.

The Housewives are legit one of my favorite gimmicks of all time. Their "rap" was incredible.

Lesser known AND SUPERIOR, thank you very much.

It's like the first time they took Wolverine's mask off in the comics, and it turns out his hair is also the same shape as his mask.

Hey gang, Senior AV Club Comments Section Transformers-ologist UnderscoreX here:

That was probably the most "fuck, my suspension of disbelief!" moment.

The other thing they could do is what the actual GLOW did: the "Housewives" also wrestled as the "Heavy Metal Sisters" just with different face paint and wigs

It's worth noting that while the people of Gilead talk a LOT about God, I haven't heard anything about Jesus so far.

If she implied that Aunt Lydia had caused her to miscarry… well, maybe that means she can't get pregnant any more, and if she can't get pregnant any more, she's outlived her usefulness.

A little buried detail - she was Martha 150-thousand something.