
It's literally just Rob Liefeld.

Night Owl is Blue Beetle. Just straight up Blue Beetle.

I have heard it's not actually true, but I still love the story that the only adaptation of an Alan Moore story he's ever liked is the Justice League Unlimited version of "For The Man Who Has Everything".

This show is not for you.

So far most of the inmates who've engaged with him have been either racist or not into guys, though.

Oh, sure. I just love the idea that they hired someone to make sure his IT'S-A ME, MARRIO! accent was accurate.

On that level, it paved the way for Transformers and all the other "based on the popular thing from when you were a kid" films…

And Dolemite 2: The Human Tornado

IIRC Billy Dee Williams also got paid for the sequels, because he was supposed to play Harvey Dent/Two-Face, despite only being in like, one scene in '89.

Which is itself a weird spelling of Buckaroo Banzai!


Shit, that and Patton Oswalt as Penguin are the two casting choices I didn't know I wanted until internet gave them to me.

Buckaroo Banzai.


That's incorrect.

Yes. That's it. Clearly nothing fucking happened this entire season.


He didn't think America was that bad, but now he's convinced that the USSR is. We've seen him be uncomfortable with the job at LEAST since the Kimmy stuff started, but between the wheat thing and the Lassa virus and killing that old lady and her husband and Tuan getting an innocent kid to very nearly kill himself, I

He doesn't have the stomach for this - not anymore, if he ever did. The Centre has been lying to him and Elizabeth for who knows how long, the things he thought he was doing for his country have had deadly consequences for genuinely innocent people, and his children will never be happy in Russia - they will be as

A recurring theme of this show is "maintaining humanity in an inhumane place."
By setting up the new guards first as largely monsters (although Stratman, Blake and "Chocolate City" whose name I've never managed to keep in my brain are less monsters and more enablers of the monsters) it makes it strange to see them