
I legit thought that it was a holiday for Jesse and Spike the first time I heard about it.

I had the pleasure of catching him on a convention panel with several other Transformers voice actors. Funny funny guy, and bawdy as hell.

"Mr. Popeil" is early B-52s, dude.

yeah, the book is very very clear that Gilead is a white nationalist enterprise.

also there are a lot of dudes out there who still wanna impress jodie foster.

stupid fucking grapes

tbh the broad strokes of the urban/rural gap is there.

I'm completely serious when I say this next part:

what he means is [citation needed]

There's a LITTLE bit of that in the book, where it's mentioned in passing that radical feminists worked with the theocrats on some issues like pornography and sex work, then were promptly purged once they'd outlived their usefulness.

I basically always pictured her as Tammy Faye Bakker or Jan Crouch, which is to say at least mid-late 50s.

Man, you list all those songs with memorable sax riffs, and you leave off Bowie's "Modern Love"?

Sting's other guy is, of course, THE NAITCHA BOY, RIC FLAIR!

I'm not going to write his name out so as not to jinx it, but I'm consistently at about an "eight" with worrying about W-ll—m Sh-tn-r. That's coming, and it's gonna be ROUGH.

Reagan would be just another hollywood elitist to the modern GOP. Immigration amnesty? Being hard on the Russians? Fuck that shit.

The tank sequence was easily my favorite part, because it showed the Rebels as an actual *insurgency*, not just "another army". Desperate tactics, weaker weapons, but using the home field advantage against the occupiers..

It felt like, well, a WW2 movie. You have your soldiers, and they're gonna go take that hill. One's a country boy, one's a city slicker, one's the Jew, one's the snoot, one's the nerd, one's the old guy who's seen it all - and they all die, but by god they took that hill.

See, I just assumed that whatever planet Baze was from, "Little Sister" is a generic term of endearment like "sweetie" or "my dear" or whatever.

The fan service was the worst part of this film.

Y'know, like P-Funk or Sun Ra or Wesley Snipes.