

A friend of mine dubbed it "redneck minstrelsy".

It's a family of lawyers that can't get work anymore so they've turned to harassing lawsuits as their primary source of income

It doesn't really count as trolling when you're just yelling awful shit you actually believe at people.

Great Job Assholes!

One day someone's gonna write a really good book about all these "My parents bought me a pop song" vanity deals.

i sort of wish there'd be some unspoken - or even open - agreement in the gay community to never ever fuck Milo ever. Lysistrata his ass.

Ironically enough, there's old Milo content shittalking Gamergate as a bunch of basement-dwelling virgins until he realized they were Useful Idiots in his halfassed "war" against feminists, the left, etc.

I just intentionally garble it. He's not worth the keystrokes. Poor ol' Milo Yajrtyuiasasr.

He got banned because he did it to someone famous enough to call attention to it.

as I rambled elsewhere, the original left such an indelible mark on my comic sensibility that I don't know if I'm even capable of evaluating this one on its own merits, because Feig's style of comedy just isn't my scene. I mean, it made me laugh, but you know…

Honestly, the need to "kiss the ring" of the 1984 version ended up hurting it on some level, IMO. The sly callbacks (framing of certain shots) were nice, but the parts where they slapped you upside the head with the original were a little TOO loving, to the point where by the end I was actively sitting in my seat

So anyway, I took my six-year-old to see Ghostbusters. He said it wasn't scary (despite him watching some sequences between his fingers) and was funny.

No, Kurt is gonna fucking die in the middle of a match if he doesn't quit. They don't want to accidentally broadcast that.

it would have to have been in Japan, though.

I saw him in Atlanta and was surprised how short he is.

The absolute worst thing about the bullshit joke that is the Wellness Policy is that it apparently cost us a William Regal run as WHC. I fucking love the fucking shit out of William Regal, and giving him a run with the title would have been well-deserved.

God, I'd love to have seen Vader in his prime against Brock in his prime.

Around the UnderscoreX place, she's known as Sweet Betsy from Etsy.

The fact that Lita never got a run with one of the "men's" belts is one of the great tragedies of the WWE Universe. They absolutely could have put the Cruiserweight or Hardcore belt on her, maybe even the IC with the right booking.