
Bayley also had an undisclosed amount of marijuana. In other words, he's guilty of approximately about as much "bad stuff" as Poussey was, which was the point of the sequence.

I don't know if it's spoilers or not, but someone elsewhere online actually sat down and calculated Poussey's sentence based on what was given in the show and it came up to about 18 months, IIRC.

Would she? Really?

Takes no shit from inmates, will side with guards on any matter.

Thank you for articulating the point I was trying to make much more clearly than I managed to.

I'm divided on how the New Guards are being written - which is to say that most of them are being written just this side of Skeletor.

I'm sorry, I can't not see Eric Garner in this (and to some extent Mike Brown, with the body being left out) - I believe Samira Wiley has said as much in interviews, that it's intentionally an Eric Garner thing. To reframe that killing as "an accident" is irresponsible IMO. It'd be like… like that photo of the

I know they don't speak for all black folks, but I do think that the voices of black folks should be given an extra level of attention, given that this is a dramatization of an issue that directly affects them and primarily them.

Which is fucked up, if you think about it.

That and "This prison crushes everything good."

"In the end, when white people say Poussey’s death was well-executed, or was meant to teach people something, or send a message, they mean “white writers murdered a Black person on screen to entertain and teach white people.” Because it sure as hell isn’t meant to teach Black people anything accept what we already

I dunno, I think black people get to have an extra level of scrutiny of a show written by white people attempting to make An Important Statement about the extrajudicial killings of black people by police.

And if someone who looked like Taystee or Poussey got busted there, would they have been given the same ability to leave?

Caputo failed as high as he can fail. He has been promoted to his appropriate level of ineptitude.

Pay and benefits, IIRC.

I wasn't going to bring that up unless it came up, but yes. The lead writing staff for the show appear to be four women and a man, all non-Black. I'm not sure they had the capacity to handle this topic with the dignity it necessarily warrants.

On a lighter note, I got accidentally mis-spoilered!

Weird. I basically forced myself to watch it, which I think is sort of what they were going for. This entire season has had a running commentary on Black Lives Matter and related issues (I brought up Crystal Burset nearly getting shot as an example) and I think the entire POINT of the death was to force you to

So here we are.

Suzanne lived in DC?