
Holy shit. Flashbacks. Lyanna Stark flashback.

I dunno, I had $50 on "pissing comedian."

In the 80s, nobody was bigger than Dusky Rose! Except, of course, Kerry Von Erich.

Prediction; Martha BECOMES the bio weapon.

But why aren't they writing about it NOW?!

They wrote about the Max Headroom thing YEARS ago.

Yeah. Besides, I'm a Social Justice Cleric.

No shit. I used to know this guy back way-back in the days when Livejournal was a thing. That's fucking weird.

I half expected Phillip to shoot Martha once he found the pistol. Not out of anger, but as a "mercy killing".

There were also some coloring books in the late 70s drug culture that were meant to be colored in, maaaaaan.

"I don't see an issue with this, especially since it legitimately helps people with stress. It's harmless fun."

The best explanation I've heard is that the only person who's seen Melly Sanders without the necklace is Crazy Wife Baratheon, who was already a True Believer and didn't care that Melly Sanders was using illusions. In-the-show, CWB was seeing Old Lady Melly, but the audience saw Hot Melly so as not to fuck up the


That dude was dead and he knew it. I figure he just hated Whip Snake more and thought he could at least get some stabs in on her on his way out.

It is kind of a character beat for Khal Moro. Some of the other Dothraki we've seen - like Drogo - probably would have jack-slapped the shit out of his boys for talking out of turn like that.

Eh. The necklace is a focus but not the key. When her faith was strong as it was then, she could maintain the illusion. Now her faith is broken.

TBH if he'd tried to fight Spear Snake, Whip Snake woulda just garrotted him from behind anyway.

It's a shame we won't get to see Dani join the Dothraki Golden Girls.

His Friendzone-Sense is tingling!
