
Chris Tucker.

Ernest was the working man's Pee Wee.


Yeah, the first season of Pee-Wee's Playhouse aired in a block with the only season of Hey Vern It's Ernest, which I preferred at the time because I fucking LOVED Ernest.

My six-year-old binge-watched the entire run of Pee Wee's Playhouse over the Christmas break.

What do you mean? They didn't make any more Dexter after that. It was the finale.

I'm a fan of the Hong Kong Cavaliers' version, myself.

Catch-22's "Alone in a Crowd" had tracks… 14-21 or so all be :22 seconds of silence each so track 22 could be the actual "hidden track".

They Might Be Giants had one where you had to rewind the FIRST track backwards, so it was at negative-1:40 or whatever.

As far as a "title cards that help propel the story", I was always fond of Jericho using Morse code under the title card to give little clues to the overarcing plot.

*wah wah trumpet*

… I hardly knew-a-fy!

I like the Dexter credits, but in retrospect, they're really weird - who makes their breakfast in sequential order like that? Who puts on their boots before their shirt? What the fuck, Dexter? What the fuck.

IIRC he had Circumstances come up.

Nice! Mine has Vlad talking about make-outs.

The Shield and Oz don't get enough credit as sort of early harbingers of "Good TV". Oz for being one of the first to really push the boundaries of "adult content" and The Shield for doing the same for basic cable…

The biggest disappointment about Stan's cameo is that Deadpool didn't turn to the camera, point, and go "Check it out. Stan Lee."

They eventually quit putting numbers on the Air Buds and Beethovens and Land Before Times, because it really doesn't matter - it's not like there's any sense of continuity afoot.

I was particularly excited to see the "horrific disfigured toe" character from last year return, alongside Howie Long and Deion Sanders.