
Yeah as a hunter myself i appreciate the skill it takes for them to get both fish and squirrels. On an unrelated note i once saw an osprey snatch a squirrel off a baseball field and drop the poor bastard (who appeared to still be alive though i’m not sure) into its nest atop the fields lights that was quite impressive.

Technically the pole is on state land but there’s nothing between my land and the state land. Fish mainly there’s a pond nearby that is kept well stocked with fish for local fishermen to catch so they eat pretty well but in the winter they’ll grab the occasional unlucky rodent. A neighbor lost a young kitten once and

Yeah my state put up telephone poles with a big flat pice of wood on the top to try to get Osprey to nest, the one they put onmy land however became occupied by a pair of eagles instead. I’ve got a pretty good view of it from my second floor with a pair high powered binoculars.

I’ve got a nest in my back yard and watching the babies learn to fly was adorable.

Better than a goose.

He was also planned parenthoods first treasurer so i think we can ignore the nazi gold bit.

Papi Lebotard would be proud.

I would but i’m banned.

How isa B83 bomb the biggest nuke for the US when Castle Bravo was a US test?

Is QPR still in the premiership? I’m sure they could lend a hand to Sunderland.

As Scotsman i am offended by your use of the term skirts and demand an apology.

I started playing this when it went free to play and only got to the third planet before it lost me i really should go back.

I don’t even live in NYC but i check the cover of the post every morning at work just to see the headline.

The cavs won this year which means god must smote the indians lest Cleveland gain some confidence.

I love the term wanker its great.

Neither are gold and silver but you can trade those at most stock exchanges in the world as well.

He’s not wrong though.

Let’s say one of a pair of identical twins undergoes gender reassignment.

Why even make her a clone at that point? it’d be easier to just call her his daughter.

Oh yeah i totally wish i hadn’t played football i have the knees of an 80 year old at 24, the only good thing about knowing i’ll never have kids is not having the should i let them play football dilemma.