
Hangul is the simplified Korean right?

I still can’t believe a raid and 3ish hours of additional content is 29.99

I mean we should be glad there’s a two term limit on presidential terms that 4th term killed FDR.

All streamers are basically whores anyhow, whether its a normal just plays the game guy/girl or one of these titty streamers they just use different methods to get there money.

and remain terrified by the idea of him trying an American accent.

That would require hem to know what a dictonary is as well.

It just reminds me of that host of a Japanese children’s show doing an episode with the word fuck on her sweater.


Kids these days jeez.

Why do people i like (and one who i hated) keep dying.

The video is well-intentioned, but the metaphor of jumping hurdles, not to mention the doubling down on athletic prowess, seems especially ableist in this context

This seems super pointless.


I believe that it’s actually white on orange violence.

A very broad fashion range on these girls.

Couldn’t have said it better my self Pedro.

Its never too early for day drinking! (it’s after noon so you’re good.)

Not a Marlins fan but goddamn that kid could throw and i really looked forward to coming up with madcap ways for my team to acquire him RIP Jose you were too good for this world.

I feel you, i only agreed to do it on the condition she wouldn’t push for anything after that.

I too am a proud member of her fan club.