
Villeneuve loves doing that as well so hopefully they are a perfect match.

I’m just glad he’s saving blade runner two from Scott.

I think it’s just a reaction to how most returning veit nam vets were treated like shit when most didn’t even want to go.

He is this triolgies yoda just as han is it’s obi wan meaning he’ll die of old age in IX after Rey get’s her hand cut off.

That’s the point.

Those ain’t cops buddy that’s Delta.

Peña needs to smack him.

McGregor haming it up in episode 3 was the high point of the prequels though.

Wow the article would have been greatly improved with this info.

God her face looks so fake.

Ok i’ll bite why didn’t the imps just re stabilize the core if it was so easy?

You’re really overestimating the literacy of NY post headline writers.

Are the visogoths the same as regular goths? I always get them confused.

Does it? the only movie i’ve seen with hard dicks in it was under the skin and that just got an R if memory serves.

I can think of far worse places for them to take insperation from.

I dunno what Anthony has on you Huma but girl you gotta get out now and take your adorable son with you.

We’ll probably never know since sony japan doesn’t allow nudity on their PlayStation games and pc is still pretty niche over there.

I wouln’t want to go out if i was that pregnant.

maybe if Hollywood sees that films about strong, empowered, black people are lucrative we’ll get more them.

I just hope he saved some of that money.