
We lost EMH for this crap?


I only watch ripper street because i love this man.

I was actually talking about your name actually.

You’re goddamned copy pasta come to life.

I sat in the same row as a muslim womn on a flight once and i could feel the wole plane staring at her i can’t imagine how shitty it must be to be her.

This story reminds me of one about a german womans quest to get her husbands body from the USSR.

*I know that Muslims have enough respect for Allah to not put his name on money

My state is never in the news for anything good, I’m surprised you guys didn’t crucify my governor for vetoing a revenge porn bill.

Huh? How do they determine this?

He was in Fantastic Mr. Fox?

It appears that it’ll make way more than the GB opening but we won’t know till sunday/monday.

The sun must have loved it.

Lawyers gonna lawyer.

Eventually some crusading lawyer will probably take it to the SCOTUS for some poor bastard who’s on the list for something really silly like public urination.


(readies best imortan joe impression)

No way any of those girls are 14.

The gaming and film divisions have really been propping up the rest of the company i mean there’s a reason they made Kaz the head if the company.

My fondest memory of Pedro is him taking out Don Zimmer. I know h’s had great games but that will always be my favorite.