
I was talking to a guy at work and he said you could hear them eating at night which is just goddamned crazy.

The closest city to me is more ghetto than city at this point so i doubt this will help it.

Yeah my biggest problem with the lore of the prequels was that the republic had no army or navy to speak of all my military history books told me that was asking for trouble. I also may be the only person who thought all of this being caused by a trade dispute was a nice realistic touch.

I focussed more on my problems with the clone wars mainly because i’m a huge history nerd and shaped it after WW1.

Yeah i re-did the entire prequel trilogy in my head and have created many a silly story too though i’ll never be known for it.

That’s very odd... But not a bad idea.

Considering the poor writing of the source i wish you would.

Yeah but why make the mechs look like humans? But i alwas just figured she was the only one because the story takes place in Europe and there may be more but the world but not in the city.

I said it sorta jokingly that they wouldn’t do that. But yeah SNK was the worst one since Mikasa being the only Asian left is a huge plot point that being said they could have gotten one white person, but that whole production was a shitshow regardless.

Yeah japan may not white wash(well there is SNK but people ignore that) but their adaptations can be just as horrible as ours.

Except the quality of the films released in japan aren’t that great. I don’t just mean effects either the writing is pretty bad and the acting can be super melodramatic that’s not even counting the absolutely terrible live action versions of popular anime that make dragonball evolution look like a faithful adaptation.

I really wouldn’t put Japan’s mediocre film industry up with South Korea and Hong Kong.

Rich white person wishes they were black in other news water still wet sky still blue.

My daughters breasts just recently started coming in and i’ve had to keep telling her to stop feeling herself up in public.

I see so many of these in gawker articles that i wonder if posts even get proof read before posting.

Spell check doesn’t exist for gawker writers.

Uncharted has been in development hell within Columbia/Sony pictures for almost 5 years now which isn’t a good sign. I still put some faith that sony may be the first ones to get it right since they one both the studio and game developers but who knows at this point.

So that means you want the one on the right?

I think we may have become a bit too paranoid about TF.

I think they should have left that d.va can kill herself with her ult in now it will be too good.