
The head of the biggest right wing party in France is already calling for one. I think that they’ll try to get tham in quickly before the full effects hit Britain to give those who wish to stay more ammo.

It’s less about constricting policies and more about poor middle class people who see the waves of migrants pouring into europe as a threat to their livelihoods.

The only thing is that this could cause a domino effect of states leaving the EU and then it collapsing and if the EU collapses then the Euro will as well which will collapse the world economy.

Hey i live near that school.

I knew Disney wasn’t stupid enough to replace James Earl Jones but seeing his presence confirmed makes me so happy.

I think people focused on him since he was a known quantity vs the unkown quantity of Noel.

True but I gotta hope that with a better environment and a superior coach he could’ve improved.

At least we Americans can continue blaming the electoral college for our votes not counting.

I was hoping for Oakafore personally but i would’ve been fine with Butler, I’m just glad poor Kris Dunn avoided Philly.

I loved watching him play at PC and i’m glad the Celtics didn’t draft him, thus spairing him from playing for the sixers.

I wonder how much of their acceptance of the deal had to do with all marvel games as PlayStation exclusives.

Bullshit this movie has to be terrible.

What the fuck is a raya?


Why did Kagan recuse herself?

I don’t think this movie will be bad because of the women i think it will be bad because it seems terrible from all the trailers and clips i’ve seen.

I can’t believe they pay Isaiah Thomas less than curry.

I once got weird looks sitting in the same row as a kid and that was my ticketed seat so i don’t know how this didn’t raise red flags.

I just hope the celtics don’t pick Kris Dunn just cause he went to school down the road. He’s a good player but not what they need.

How is this surprising to people at all?