
You’re also forgetting Persona 5.

Outside of the Singer bit the rest of the interview was a real shitshow.

I have seen two games of spades played in my entire life and this article has only left me more confused about the game.

I have the same reaction every time Biden says something: there are people worse the crazy uncle Joe.

I’d wait till they give some concrete details on the neo before jumping in.

At this point the only people i trust are naughty dog from software cd projekt rocksteady and the guys who’ve made the past two excellent tomb raider games.

It might be itchy.

I hope you also want painfully awkward sex scenes.

I’m fairly certain that for honor will be as terrible as it looked.

Oh i missed that one i assumed you were talking about the song in the trailer.

Totally true.


I don’t doubt the sincerity of the ubi one but it just really felt so off an fell pretty flat.

I’m assuming he meant the song playing during the demo not the trailer.

The first thing my black friend said to me was that the black guy doesn’t even seem black.

Doesn’t look crazy enough to fill the SSX sized hole in my heart.

I can’t wait for them to cut out the regular ps4s and xbones in a year and a half.

Good thing america still doesn’t care about soccer.

Being a woman who does manly man things in a manly man way.