
I can’t give this enough stars.


Wow a gated community within a gated community sounds like a great idea.

Why would they do this? I buy consoles specifically because i don’t want to have to worry about upgrading a pc every year or two as do a lot of people.

I couldn’t agree more.

Wow that’s real ballsy.

I forgot how much better this show looks compared to modern animated shows.

There are people who still use AOL for their internet so probably.

When i saw this on ESPN i couldn’t stop laughing.

That packers cards coin flip is still the most bizarre thing i’ve ever seen good on the ref for doing it right though.

Whoever came up with rods from god should get a medal.

You don’t can’t undo a few millennia of culture in 50 years.

I remember, those were good times.

Yeah they conned me once so i’m done with Destiny for the foreseeable future.

I’m very concerned that you were not already hungry for bacon before reading this article.

What the fuck is she wearing?

I’m sad because fucking is like hitting a baseball into the Grand Canyon.

I won’t vote for her but i’m lucky brcause my state counts for jack shit and is probably the bluest or second bluest state in the country.

I’m surprised they aren’t in favor of him winning so we’d offer bigger bribes.

Orbital kenetic energy weapons would be great all the power of nukes with no radiation getting them up there is the problem.