
Well having gone through the past few months of my daughters breasts coming in i now have a much clearer idea about how one actually fits a bra.

Yeah it seems like he’d have a better chance going with a defimation suit than this he wouldn’t win that either i’d suspect.

Which is why he’d be the perfect VP for Sanders.

I think the whole point is that there are no pure hero’s in the Tolkienesc vien in the real world.

Because he’d probably win.

Because his father fucked over the state as Secretary of the Navy by closing one of the largest navy bases on the eastern seaboard for the sole reason of political payback against the Kennedys. Old Linc there was then gifted his fathers senate seat despite being a blithering idiot who voted for the Iraq war despite

All i know is that Jim Webb needs to be Bernies running mate if by some miracle he gets the nomination.

I hate everyone who likes Chaffe.

Sam Tarly

You’re right but it’s Brom not Braun.

I doubt the SC will even agree to hear the case.

Is it over? Will i have to deal with more Bill Simmons bitching?

I mean he was a pirate so he probably has some skill but not on the level of a knight like Brienne.


My mother thought he was the same guy so you may want to up those percentages.

Davos is really your only other option for a hero besides Brienne though he doesn’t have nearly the same combat skills as her.

The whole Melisandre being old as fuck was a nice little twist though i could have done without the full frontal nudity.

I still think Jon should be the older one but only because i still want Denzel Washington to play him.

They looked sorta pointy.

It was a good scene not something i wanted to see but it served an excellent purpose.