
I’m glad to see him gone i was a fan of his when he played for the sox until he revealed he was a giant dick and swindled my state out of millions. Now i just think he’s pathetic and am glad i chose to idolize Pedro over him.

I can’t see it working on anything bigger than a B so i really don’t understand her thinking.

After posing this question to tge only womenin my life my daughter (it felt very creepy) she doesn’t see the point and neither do i.

I guess you could be right but i don’t really think Quentyn dieing would be enough but who knows.

How long till he ends unp in New England for a nickle and one of bills old hoodies?

I just want to see the magic cock is that too much to ask?

She was cursed to be sterile when drogo was “saved"

I really really really hated her character till crows when she finally decided to act like a grown up.

Anyone would make a better queen than Dany because as soon as she dies the whole thing would fall into a succession war because she is sterile and can’t have kids.

I’m pro bernie too but it’s almost statistically impossible for bernie to win and i just want it to be over i’m sick of the inter-party shit flinging.

At this point i just want Hillary to crush him tonight so the left can stop shaming each other and go back to shaming the right.

People know what starwars is my 9 year old cousin knows what starwars is People aren’t that stupid JJ.

Damn this just sucks.

Huh you learn something new everyday.

It’s surprising how few people in the west know how awful South Korea was for the longest time and has only really improved a lot in the past 10 years or so.

I dunno why do people have sex with corpses? People are fucking creepy and weird and i want no part of them.

I have a feeling the only real way to enforce this is if a woman goes up to an officer and tells him/her that someone is doing this. Because as you said in the massive groups of people unless they’re doing it in a super obvious way it’s tough to catch people doing this.

Finally i can relate to a royal.

Your issues with the sports bras sounds awful. My daughter recently started having to wear one and trying to help her find one that fits has been an exercise in bashing my head into a wall it almost makes me want to call the ex wife, almost.

I only finally saw this last night and you people weren’t kidding batman murders a crap ton of people.