
I agree that her show is wonderful i just wish my old stand by could have kept her

This makes me sad.

I don’t think you necessarily should be i mean for all we know it could have never even been used it just sucks that you would ever need a child sized coffin.

They endorsed trump so it must be a rag of some sort.

I feel like where those holes are placed her nips should nbe on full display all the time.

That bit about the childs coffin really sucks but besides that this would be a really cool thing to find on your property.

Remind me again why she’s not hosting the daily show instead of the hack who we’re stuck with?

My dilemma is should i finally cave and let my daughter watch GOT

Nothing wrong with checking it out for yourself.

Couldn’t you have waited a few hours to ruin my morning?

The games division has been the only profitable one for like 5 or 6 years it’s why Kaz got the job as CEO.

Theres no point in going above 4k because our eyes won’t be able to tell the difference between 4k and 8k.

I’d still let him go down on me.

Just because his brand of white person is slightly different from my brand of white person (i’m not from the states) doesn’t make it any less generic.

I don’t know or care where he’s from but i’m sure it’s full of generic white guys too.

Horror beyond imagination.

Yeah but he cast the single most generic white guy for the lead so i don’t understand why you think he did anything special.

I look forward to seeing this on Highly questionable on monday.

That’s still cheaper than i would have thought.

I will not sit here and let you besmerich the good names of cock fighting and Bear baiting by comparing them to the NFL.