
it’s a rather odd seeing the realistic military hardware going up against a guy in a suit. another thing that i find very odd is how crazy long his tail is.

Thanks man good luck to you.

where are you headed?

That worked because Don Cheadle is a treasure and always seems like he’s having fun.

I still don’t understand why this women has done this or continues to do it. Like if you’re going to be a crazy lady just be quiet about it and people will leave you alone.

I assume the carriers just run then over and not even waste the rounds on them.

Also acceptable.

Of course why else would i want to see it?

I’d love to see a conversation between her and Elizabeth Warren.

And then what? Just forgot about her?

I’d love to see Blunt get the role but the odds of it happening are so slight i don’t want to get my hopes up.

yeah last season really scrimped on how she turns into a badass loli assassin and i was quite dissapointed by it.

Yeah it was Michigan.

Yeah why people think it’s actually so close is beyond me and i don’t like either one.

Even a 10 to 15 point victory for her would be devastating to his rapidly shrinking chances at victory.

Huh i did not know that and am quite surprised by that.

I eas really only guessing about where he’d do well basing it only on the fact that he tends to do well in more rural white areas. I am still quite certian she’ll beat him by 10 or maybe 15 points max.

Sanders has no real chance in NY he’ll win upstate New York and Hillary will win the city and long island which means she’ll get plenty of delgates and finally put this half of the race out of our collective misery.

So with triple the amount of characters they’ll be able to fit Daredevil in right?

This fake boston globe headline thing isn’t nearly as fun as i thought it would be