
I don’t know about you but when i spy i keep 3-6 outfits on me.

Daphne looks ok but, god Velma looks so weird.

If you want to play weird Japanese games the vita is for you.

I had it shown to me by a black teacher in film school so theres that but honestly it probably sucks just like a Jewish person watching triumph of the will.

I dunno gone with the wind was at least a decent film even if you have to deal with the awful racism.

Yeah i saw it in a film class and just wasn’t really impressed compared to other silent films i’ve seen.

I still don’t understand why the original birth of a nation was so popular. Were people really that excited to se a bland and borring film just because it was really really really racist?

I think you’d have to get rid of urinals for this to work properly wich would be both a good and bad thing.

I would agree with you if it weren’t for the fact that snyder can’t write decent dialogue for a woman to save his life.

A shame it doesn’t come with the demo for Azure like the jp version though.

Why protest topless? This isn’t a critism just a question.

i really don’t like kelly but god i hope she tears him a new one.

Considering how lightly armored most naval targets she’d engage with i think double gun turrets would suffice but that’s just semantics aslong as you can keep the speed up. In any case the ship would probably be classified as a battlecruser regardless. And to your point in your other comments about the B-52s keeping

Serbia and Montenegro split up a while ago George Novi Sad is still in Serbia for now.

Assuming you could slim down the frame to something a little smaller than a Russian Kirov class battlecruser with decent maneuverability the armor becomes less useful considering a hit by any ASM will likely cripple her. As for armaments two 16in double gun turrets would be excellent for medium to short range

God damn razor cackes stop making me like you.

Yeah, and I understand why you think the Mo would be so successful but she’s just too old and overcomplicated and outdated to put to particular good use.

Her deck armor would be an issue as would the long range anti ship missles that the chinese have built.(assuming that they actually work as well as they claim)

Yeah i wonder how much more slimmed down in terms of both size and crew a modern battleship would be compared to an Iowa or Yamato class ship.

An to this day the Marines still wanted to make an amphibious landing and just imagine the sight if they had,