
a better idea would be simply design a ship with 4 16in guns on her with a full complement of modern defensive capabilities and with a far smaller crew complement than the mighty Mo.

Yeah but of all the main characters from the original trilogy he embraced his role and the fans the most and the longest so i think he deserves a role, hell you can even make the new lando his kid since thats how this trilogy is going.

PP like most people thought the race was over before it even started.

this trilogy needs the original lando too.

WW2 era uniforms in general look great unfortunately the best looking one had to be the one used by the SS.

In mmos maybe, but besides those most Japanese games have a loli in them.

That’s why i said it’s not just japan that loves lolis.

2 brown people and a woman that’s quite impressive DC far better than Marvel started out or is currently at now.

I guess it’s not just japan that loves cute lolis.

This seems like neither a good or bad thing.

Stuff like this is why I’ve excepted that i will die a virgin.

I just couldn’t get into this show i really wanted to but i’ve never been able to get through the second episode.

Which is why they wouldn’t invade. The only way the PRC will get Taiwan is through a rigged plebiscite or a putsch that puts a very pro china government in power.

God this was just great

at least the current DA has enough of a spine to go after him.

I hope Bones still gets a lot of screen time as he has quickly become the only character in nu trek that I really like.

Yeah but much like mass effect 2's gunplay improvements they gutted the RPG elements which was a huge detriment to the overal game.

His was the most surprising simply because outside of kill bill i can’t think of any movie of his with a somewhat well written woman.

I think I’ll stick with my current carhartt jacket none of these look like they’d be particularly warm.

I think I’ll stick with my current carhartt jacket none of these look like they’d be particularly warm.

So this is good but bad, so yay?