
DC is many things but desert like is not one of them.

Then why was there a whole quest about finding the one green place in the wasteland in the last game? None of the previous games had anywhere close to this much green in them.

Woooo for graphic nudity i hope there’s dong in it.

Two of those seasons seem a bit to green to me considering what we’re dealing with. Radioactive snow on the other hand sounds both cool and nightmarish.

Actually it’s because we have close to 10 times more nukes than they do and we have more ways of delivering them than they do.

How are we going to tell China they can’t use tactical nukes against naval forces in contested waters off Taiwan?

It is japan but they’ve probably got them in china too hell I’ve got them where i live in new england.

Now hold on i hear china is a wonderful place this timeof year.

I know all murder is bad but it’s tough for me to get too outraged at 23 murders next to the hundreds if not thousands of blacks killed for being black let alone the numbers of other people killed because of hate crimes.

Oh I know that, it doesn’t make it less stupid though.

Well any and all sexy time stuff involving Rob, Jon, Dany, Joffrey, sansa and theon would fall into the catagory since most of them are only like 14 or 15 which is realistic given the setting the only one that really felt of was that dany starts off at 12 or 13 and then all the sex she goes on to have.

though apparantly the books are more... detailed

The worst thing a game can do in regards to nudity is what the last saints row did which let you get neaked but they censor the naughty bits which is just asinine.

Can the female astronauts get pregnant? Are there space abortions?

I dunno if it’s the pose or the angle or the fact that I’m not used to seeing a female comic book super hero who doesn’t look like an exspensive prostitute but, i thought that captain marvel there was a guy at first.

Prostitutes lots of prostitutes. Then invest the rest.

Tom does strange things to my loins.

10 minutes ago.

The writers here and on gawker love doing this to commenters for some reason...