
Anyone who didn’t think he’d face court martial is an idiot.

Attack of the clones is the worst one IMO.

I’m going in with the expectation it will be the worst starwars movie ever that way i can’t possibly be dissapointed.

Emmerich dreams of one thing and one thing only, destroying new york once and for all.

Can they get rid of the porn censorship while they’re at it and all the loli porn as well.

Thanks james.

What was the actual reason smith didn’t come back to the picture, money?

You’re a bit late to fate sex scenes as memes party Brian the whole Tohsakas anus meme has been around for ages.

Does anyone actually think this will actually stops kids from getting on social media?

Is this going to air the same day in the states?

I sat on a plane next to a Muslim woman wearing a hidjab once. It was awful for her i could feel the whole section looking at her throughout the whole flight. The worst one was this middle aged man who was staring at her for like an hour.

Yeah my move to japan after i got out of the marines has never looked like a better idea than now.

I don’t understand why this new character who we know nothing about gets so much more praise than any of the other new characters.

Has anyone checked on Drew today?

But she’s blonde in one, blonde i say.

Thanks miss.

Who? I mean that seriously.

I wonder if pop belicheck and saban ever get together to complain about newfangled things.

The army can’t wait to fuck this guy. Even in the Marines I can feel the hatred for him.

Nice use of the word elucidates.