
All i need to prove it is the remake/reboot of ghost busters knowing nothing about that film outside of the cast and title people are allready praising it because it casts women outside of roles they’re usually placed in which is why my orginal point still stands if you did the same with Star wars it would be equally

This is super adorable good on you russia this is so sweet.

But people love to praise movies that have only a few men in it compared to women. Star wars would be even more beloved if you made it so everyone was a women except luke or just flipped the genders of all the characters.

But every move he’s made since volume one is far more talkey than stabby but at least he hasn’t made another movie for the sole purpose of letting him say the n word over and over like in pulp fiction.

I hope not his movies have just turned into 2 1/2 hour long Christopher waltz monologues interspaced with the occasional 5 minute action sequence.

Sorry mate she’s deader than dead and I’d rather not see Quentin butcher even more Japanese culture than he already has by focusing on her.

How could think that they would have one facility on one coast who cares if it was never explicitly stated that they had multiple bases it’s more surprising that they wouldn’t have more than one base.

Niether bethesda or any of the people who started playing fallout at 3 care about what happend before that game. Honestly though would it really be that hard to believe part of it survived in the east? The nonsense with the president asde its not that hard to believe.

It’s one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen I’m just glad i don’t live near him.

Thany you i appreciate that very much.

Ehh there are worse names than that but it’s probably for the best anyhow. It is however always nice to talk to someone with the same birthday as myself.

Considering how vocal they’ve been about destroying saudi Arabia i doubt they’d want official relations with them.

it also brought too much death and suffering around the world for hundred of years.

Stuff like this makes me question my continued military service, it also makes me glad I’m getting chinese food for my birthday dinner tonight.

Something just seems odd about her costume in that picture but i just can’t put my finger on it.

I’d take this over the shallow water blackout training in recon school same with the marching through tear gas this stuff has nothing on that.

I never really liked 5th element but it was a good film.

I’m excited for it to be not the worst movie i’ve ever scene.

He’s still shit, much like this weekends deadspin content.

I know i just don’t get how he lost all the skill that went into those two.