
There are so few consequences for the dialogue you choose in this game it hardly matters.

To ape the one of the shitiest parts of mass effect.

That’s some surprisingly competent police out of Detroit.

I totally agree with you but i cant stand the term micro agression it’s such an awful eay to describe what you’re talking about.

Too bad most of these movements tend to stall or fade away in the absence of leadership, that lack of strong leadership is both the groups greatest strength and it’s greatest weakness.

None of the peoples at this mythic counsel have the ability to cure cancer? No one at sheild or anywhere on earth can? Stark hasn’t made a cure yet? With all the crazy tech they have how has no one cured cancer yet?

Best line in the enitire family guy star wars series was “hey Leia wanna go to the we killed thousands of people dance?”

Well 2/3rds of the bat trilogy is half as good as Momento.

Star wars can do no wrong on io9.

Probably but a HALO jump is on a whole nother level compared to walking out the back of a C-17 OR C-130.

I’m surprised rhode island isn’t on that list.

Yeah i doubt anyone wants to be dropped into syria except maybe delta. Though odds are we’d use a heliborne assault force rather than chutes.

I know which is why i was lamenting the fact i’ll never get to participate in a large scale airborne op like those used in ww2.

A single brigade is hardly on the scale of what was used in ww2.

I knew there was a reason i stuck with cox as my isp.

Too bad troop deployment by parachute will probably never be used en masse like in WW2.

Its’s a shame Los Alamos is still used for secret stufg so we cant get tours of that as well.

Seeing peyton break down like this just makes what brady is doing this year even more impressive.

Arresting her seems a bit much the public shaming seemed like more than enough punishment.

I thought its been made clear that there are plenty of reasons to not like her besides what’s between her legs.