
Did you not like the fumbly panic in the first game? I thought it was quite appropriate.

Yeah the guys and gal at the gamestop near me are great and seem to enjoy working there.

Some states have exemptions if both parties are under age and close in age but the laws really do need to be reformed.

I knew this film was going to miss Judi Dench but i thought skyfall gave her as good a send off as we’re going to get.

Still no luke though.

If a westerner was making these somehow i doubt the reaction would be amusement like it is here.

I used to believe in god but after smelling the decomposing bodies of three dead kids i stopped and stories like this just reinforce the belief.

i kind of liked how empty 3 was it sort of reinforced that this was a wasteland and that the land had been decimated.

In britan i could totally buy that argument but not in the states. Maybe in a few years it could be that pooular here but it just doesn’t have the kind of saturation here that most comic characters do.

I told you teachers were evil I told you!

Yeah 3 is the only one with some semblance of complete plot and watching Ian Mcdiarmid and Ewan McGregor ham it up was easily the best part after it’s great opening shot.

Yeah but your average person could name almost all the small character cameos in the first lego movie but i doubt they would recignize the doctor in any of his forms.

I think the first one gets far too much crap when the second prequel is a far worse film.

2 is honestly worse but 3 is the best by far of the three.

I work at rite aid and we’ve had our chirstmas crap out for a while long before this week.

This is good I suppose while the outfit made sense in the scene in the jedi it shouldn’t really get all the focus it does

I think they’d stick out far too much in a world that’s 90% cgi.

Isn’t the whole thing cgi? That’s what the leaked Comic-Con footagewas.

Huh thanks friend.

Is this the sieries where a bunch of kids kill god?