
More like the opposite the valkyire pre dates the concords design by several years.

I think its more likely that sony japan will cut him a blank check and he’ll go there.

I used to be be like you about travel but after 3 tours in Afghanistan i think i can handle myself in most places.

I want to go to Iran but they’d never give me a visa.

Damn and people say that our religous right is bad these guys make Republicans sound like feminists.

I got to agree with you about the dialogue stuff i really don’t like the changes.

Wow that seems far to tasteful to have come from HBO.

Not him but I like it because everything seems to happen on fridays.

it’s a shame you cant paint your Fighter anymore like in WW1 and 2

Damn rhode island gets screwed again though provided too many people don’t flee to block island thats where i would go.

the Archer episode with him in it is just great.

The age implies rape but sex is used because of sentance structure and flow not necessarily victim blaming. Say someone had sex with a 12 is the same as saying someone raped a 12 year old to most people.

Nah man Kotaku as a whole wants this shit to last forever to get them clicks.

No one freaks out like Joaquin Phoenix.

What the fuck kinda name is “sleep train arena”?

How is it craven for her to say this if she actually belives in it?

Considering this was probably animated in korea this shouldn’t really surprise you.

It really only exsists in the over 50 crowd but with all the shit stirring the japs are doing lately its libel to increase.

Why must my dream of a permanently dead Jon be dashed?

I liked the new conan movie but i agree with the rest of the list.