
Yeah love seeing the inerview where the guy just got up and walked away on the show.

I still don’t understand why tou would do this or how “athleisure” is a word that exsists.

I wish i could misd a third of the days required by my job and still be up for a promotion.

I’d still take India or pakistan starting a nuclear exchange than anyone else.

Are those dots see through because if they aren’tthat would be anoying as fuck.

The second scenario is far beyond their capabilities and the first is highly unlikely and not the norths style.

I dunno india and Pakistan really really hate each other even moreso than the US and USSR ever did.

Yeah but i think it would be unlikely if we retaliated with a single B2 spirit it wouldn’t escalate that quickly as ICBMs.

It’d only be treason if JFK himself had ordered the strike.

Considering their bombs have less yeild than the bombs we dropped on japan i’d hardly call north korea a nuclear threat.

His bad work greatly out weighs his two good movies.

It’s too early for me to get excited far this game but i love games that let me play as a qt girl

Too bad it’ll be broken at launch just like the last two dice games.

I just don’tsee the point but that’s probably because i have one card and almost never use it so the system isn’t for me though I may try the android version onnmy phone.

Yeah but it’s not like apple has a stellar security record either. Better than most retailers yes but not by much.

Still better than the constant spelling errors and missing letters I see in most other articles. This is why you need an editor gawker.

That would just make it worse especially in areas whith no problems and good cops.

Can’t you just turn off unknown sources after you download what you want? Thats what i did.

That last one is great
