
Cause they are maybe siblings?

I love these types of articles the one for the pick in the superbowl was great.

From my combat experience diversity helps but, if you or anyone else thinks a person in your unit is a weak link the stress of combat only heightens that feeling and can affect your choices in the moment and how you react. I’ve never served with a women the closest I’ve ever been to a women is combat is calling out

So the study confirmed that your average male soldier can march farther with heavy loads than a women something any person would assume but every other aspect was either improved or the same? Color me unsurprised by these results.

As much as it sucks hearing pascal say it she’s right why would you offer someone 10 million when they’ll take 7?

your English is better than mine and konami won’t do jack for free

but there everywhere and you get that unlocked from the start and the other classes get jack shit

I don’t know how you can play a bunch of invisible assholes the game.

Any angle honestly just one that focuses less on the jedi more on the troops involved and on a single battle not the whole war. Your talk of the clone wars series may be apt though i never really liked the show so I didn’t really watch it.

I hope it’s good I’d like a reason to finally own a Nintendo console.

While we’re on the subject of the prequels I’d love to see an anthology film about the military of the star wars universe set in the clone wars even though i know it will never happen.

This and that she doesn’t have purple eyes are my two biggest pet peeves about the show, I also hate Dany.

Yeah but in golden eye you all start out the same just like in in UT and the old halo games battlefront doesn’t have that this half pickup half unlock system ruined halo and it is the main issue in battlefront is that people don’t start on equal footing which is what makes those types of games good.

Yeah but the type of pickup games you mentioned thrived because the maps were small and chaotic do you really think golden eye would have been made better having massive maps?

My DI was deployed on one of the ships in the gulf that was part of the invasion bluff and he and every other marine there was so pissed that they never actually got to hit the beaches.

except vehicles in UT were never pickups and golden eye doesn’t have 20 person teams and neither had maps this big all of which make it easier to horde pickups.

those games are also nothing like this one...

This reminds me of a fun story right after i got divorced i was still a DI in the Marines and hadn’t really had time to set up child care yet so i had to keep her with me for a day. In order to do that a jury rigged a baby carrier out of an old backpack and had to carry her on my back for a few hours while i marched

Those are some nice butts though.

The dems should just send Webb to the next republican debate so he can punch them all in the face.