
Too bad they’ll remove all the lewd for the pearl clutchers at valve though to be honest anyone who has really wanted to play these in the west already has i know i have.

I really didn’t feel it with this movie.

Can i go with you next year?

I don’t have to much of a problem with Hillarys policies i just don’t like her personally and don’t really think i ever will. Fortunately if she wins the nomination she’ll carry my state easily even without my vote.

Yeah but it would really help him to get a moderate with some national security and international bonafides because those are his two biggest flaws and would make him more electable in a general sense even if he picks a left leaning vp those are two skills that would be great for the vp to have.

Thats more likely and a better fit in terms of broadening the political spectrum for a candidacy but i think two women would be a tough sell and I’ve yet to see any evidence that warren likes Hilary or wants anything to do with her though i haven’t really been following politics to intently yet.

I’d love to see her as a running mate for Bernie but that seems a bit unlikely as he’d probably want a more centrist figure to help in the election but a man can dream. I also really hope she becomes the first female president rather than Hillary.

The only good thing about how sony has treated the vita is that they keep letting nis and xseed publish weird jrpgs for it in the west.

This is why japanese games are so much better than western ones even their glitches are better.

and i thought my daughters school was bad about uniform rules.

Clearly you are not particularly intelligent if you cant detect some very very obvious sarcasm and humor friend you need to calm down and read and type more carefully, especially when you call someone illiterate and then misspell you.

I hope the rumors of Capadali leaving are true though i don’t think Robb would make a good doctor.

Lolicon is not a disease it’s a wonderful thing.

I’ll be dead before someone asks me to play it with them.

A french company probably produced and or financed it.

I never said it wasn’t a factor i just said it wasn’t the direct factor.

Why the fuck would you capitalize the first l in lol you sick bastard.

I Agee that its a cause i just thought it foolish to say it was the direct cause lack of cheap food is the one of the chief causes of revolution see the French Revolution October revolution and the short lived Bavarian revolution but in this case its not the direct cause.

Brutal authoritarian regimes that oppress and murder their people are caused by climate change?

aside from labeling it child rape paraphernalia there really isn’t a good catch all term for it. especially when you start dancing around the legal pictures of naked children.