
So what are the odds an asteroid hits this thing?

Yes but why Bama?

What is it with comics and women only having straps over their nipples?

And yet the game still gives me the finger because i don’t have friends.

I love these types of double meaning commercials.

I think it has more to do with the environment in which she is nude is the problem considering what is going on around her plus the paint over her own nips sort of implies she’s also a desnuda.

Well he spends most of the books mortally wounded so it wouldn’t surprise me.

Don’t question it man bloomers are just awesome.

Is it wrong I want to become a woman so I can date Ellen? Because I do.

And those make more sense than the teleport arm and wormhole Fulton.

too bed it’ll launch half finished at launch with the same shit netcode as battlefield 3&4.

But when you agree to meet a strange man in a strange place for the purpose of having strange sex for money, you are putting yourself at risk for harm

The MOs guns may be archaic but something tells me those types of weapons maybe making a comback.

Why don’t these people understand its ok to not like gay people just so long as you keep it to themselves. The live to complain about gays shoving their lifestyles down their thoughts and then they do the same thing.

I’ll never understand the whole communal bathing thing. Even after living there for years i’d still get strange looks for saying i didn’t like it.

Nothing stated here appears to “re write” history. An anyhow Britain was unlikely to ally with the soviets before the war especially when one of their leading politicians argued for “smothering Bolshevism in its cradle. Even after the alliance FDR was the go between for stalin and Churchill for most things.

The girl on the left looks so much like my daughter I’m no afraid i have a bastard.

Come on give us a Release date this is the last “AAA” franchise I’ve got left besides uncharted that hasn’t been a total fuckup or just bad at launch.

She is a hallucination though.

16 hours eh? I managed to beat it in under 4:30 with no kills/alerts for the boss emblem, still the most rewarding challenge I’ver ever done in a game.