
Considering what they did to Strucker and how few marvel villains survive i doubt it will go well for Zemo.

who said anything about just maiming?

The same way you order a rusty krieger, with a bashful smile.

I wish I could find someone into “real” traps.

I never understood how they lost so manny

Wow i didn’t think she was 18, mainly because got hadn’t shoehorned in a nude scene for her yet.

I may buy this just for racer revenge

Damn I didn’t even know you could get pregnant that young.

Well no girl who’s ever gone down on me has ever gagged too hard but it has happened and I’m fortunate to have never been puked on or caused said puke to occur. My current girlfriend however is obsessed with giving head so there’s still a good chance it could happen.

Seeing this movie last night made me wish they let Mr Cavil have fun being superman because if they did he’d be a much better superman.

Yeas but where is the cliched loli wizard I demand one.

Mine are just trimmed but my daughter is obsessed with remaining hairless down there.

That’d be the only game based on it I’d play

Except they have no fucking clue how the western anime market even works.

You can’t end racism in america or anywhere it will always be there once police can’t beat on blacks they’ll just move on to someone else just like all other institutions.

So you expect Japanese companies to do something different? That’s laughable they couldn’t give two shits about western markets.

yeah but they almost did it not once but TWICE.

So you’d rather spend 60$ on two episodes? because that’s around what it costs in japan to buy BDs.

Yep for once Japan is putting it’s stubbornness and xenophobia to good use.
