
can’t wait to hear people complain about have little you can play as her.

The Einsatzgruppen moved through the alien city.

I’ve never understood why people hate the killing joke because the joker did something evil. that’s what villain are supposed to do evil shit I’m surprised it took the Joker as long as it did to kill/maim Barbra.

I’m really glad that D & D and Cogman avoided ending the episode with Tyrion’s drowning. It illustrates a confidence in the storytelling that is reassuring as we head further into uncharted waters.

I wasn’t denying that part i was just correcting you on whose tits you have or haven’t seen bare

Actually you haven’t seen her naked on got you’ve seen body doubles with her face digitally placed on them naked.

I dunno about guaranteeing i have way skimpier figures than this and i got a second date.

You’re supposed to go do it for the greater good

And i thought my divorce was crazy

Then go over there and give them better CG than the crap they’re currently using.


At least Hollywood finally has decent CGI

Very likely if not handled with extreme caution.

At least they don’t have to blow it. I remember that a few years ago the germans blew a 500 pound bomb in the middle of the night i can’t remember what city it was but that was crazy.

no daredevil?
I am disapointed

I don’t see how the sinking could be considered illegal if she was caring war materiel and armed those two facts alone should justify the attack. Now that doesn’t make it right that she was torpedoed but theres just as much blame on the british for allowing a military merchant ship to double as a passenger liner.

I just hope he’s not really dead

i don’t get it

That may be true but the end scene at the new avengers facility doesn’t hint at that at all. My main problem is that they didn’t lay any ground work for civil war at the end of ultron where it would make sense and not to put it all on the first 15 mins of civil war.

As i was watching the film i thought it would be over the whole vision thing but then they seemed to get over it.