
according to my current GF oral sex performed on her but i think that just might be code for i suck at it.

i had sex in the snow once and it was pretty fun but i would never have sex where there would be alot of mosquitos.

my thing was that the shatterdome launched at one point according to the film 30 FUCKING JAGERS AT ONCE what the fuck killed them all if they were fighting one monster I REAPEAT ONE GIANT MONSTER AT A TIME. There should be like 5 or six just standing near the breach getting ready to kill said giant monster when it

well considering how bad we where at fighting giant monsters in the movie it will be quite refreshing to see the robots do well for once.

get ready to possibly add the Arkham knight to this list.

i'm going to keep calling them souls i've put to much time into DaS and DeS to stop now

well taking into account the distances and time involved in interplanetary/intergalactic travel that extra bit of speed may make all of the difference.

i got it the first time i was just stating my murderous intent.

i dont want to help people though i want to kill them and steal their souls.

well i think it's a safe bet that if we're that close to FTL travel we could probably find some way of proper shielding from those types of particles.

it's gonna be shit i just know it.

i can't invade random asshats and slaughter them at will anymore?

the logical answer is that they are afraid that every hooker they arrest will use this as a defence. That is the only reason that i can think of for not having a law like this.

i think you're the confused one friend.

will the NYT OP ED publish any story about removing ovaries or just the ones that get them a shit load of money?

anything with more lady thor is a good thing.

calling most the people that workfor gawker journalists is not proper use of the word

i already knew she was a better person than me, i am a horrible horrible person so being better than me is not hard.

i'm "popular" with the moms at her school but i think its because i'm the only (straight) father that goes to the school events. ( its an all girls school so this wasn't too surprising) and they help i think when she goes over there which is nice. I brought up the masturbating thing because i grew up in a similarly

how bout they immitate marvel proper and just recast her and have nothing change in the movies.