
is this is one of those times where i can like their message but not the way they go about doing it? Because it feels like one of those times.

there is a female Indiana Jones her name is Lara Croft

that tity mouse pad isn't even lewd why would you be embarrassed by it?

what did she do or not do at the oscars?

forget bombing ISIS we need to bomb those bastard Dutchmen

my favorite harley has to be the arkham games version while i don't exactly love her outfit(s), i do love the way the games writers have used her in their stories especially the one off dlc we got about her for arkham city.

it's always nice to see an actor who really really enjoys playing a recuring character. Much like Judie dench's M fury really helps tie the marvel movies together.

hell jackman is one of the few reasons i want to see this movie if only just to see him play a villian for once.

i'm still not sold on chappie and i don't know why. I think i just can't get behind the cast i don't particularly like any of them and i just want bloomkamp to make district 10 already.

what we did bombing the cites of germany and japan is no diffrent than the romans putting whole cities too the sword this is nothing new. Also the reason dresden was hit so hard wasn't really macho bravado it was to show western support of the eastern front soviet troops, Not that it actually helped them.

yeah but the bombing of british cities was small potatoes compated to germany and japan.

only 400 weak, i once had opera open with 500 it did not go well.

this happens everywhere all the time stop treating blackface like its some rare one in a million sight.

i went to a trap maid cafe in akhibarara (i probably misspelled that) and it was one of the most surreal experiences of my life and arguably one of the most hiliarious ones.

how is saying anime is for perverts(it kinda is)racist? Plenty of japs would agree with you?

i feel like he must have how else would he be able to create such wonderful female characters?

did you miss the panel with the strippers?

it would have worked for the french had they not trusted those filthy Belgians.

i always thought the hitman movie was decent not great but decent enough and one of the better video game movies we've gotten.

otto von Bismarck easy who knows what the world would be like had he not helped push prussia to unite germany.