
thats a great book

There's a big diffrence between using a small group of covert ops units to invade crimea and a full scale invasion of the second most powerful nation on earth. It would tip the balance in favor of china by 10 fold and would upset the current concert. The indians would attack them for sure followed swiftly by the japs

Either immortality or a death ray/laser that i can use to finally rid my yard of those damn squirrels.

china attacking russai for Siberia is asinine the us and NATO and india and japan would all attack them if they did. Also even if they attacked during a civil war the ruskies would nuke them if they thought they would loose. They'd also make an increasingly difficult nation to govern almost impossible to govern. And

i swear to god if jackson ever gets his hands on the simirillion i will personally murder him. I know the Tolkiens hate him but theres always the terrible chance he somehow aquires the rights to it and i dread that day.

she'll probably be teased at the end or near the end of the season you've got to remember that they have to go through all the dorne crap with myrcella this season so they can finally get around to sending the prince to get dany.

an anime where a guy falls for a trap how original like there haven't been dozens of these before.

well they could set it so that he gets his powers in or around the events of avengers 1 and they're what inspired him to become a hero. Then all they have to do is just say that sony's spiderman moves are an alternate unverse it's not like comics haven't pulled that stuff before.

if you're talking about what i think you're talking about that may have been the happiest i've ever been reading a book.

crunchy roll is fucking shit also way to go telling people where to go to buy physical merch. You could have at least told them where the better prices are in comparison to the many many sites that rip you off.

why include the purple code the us broke it before the war even started.

the original Cartoon Network teen titans were the shit i loved that show and i wish i could still watch it.


but will the prerequisite musical number have the prerequisite horror film nudity in it?

but none of these are games..........

this one is less puzzles more shoot it shoot in the face

well he was working for a crazy man

i just wanted to see if they were gonna fuck it up but they didn't which is pretty good.

i hadn't bought one in close to twenty but i have bought the first few issues of lady thor and i am enjoying them

the lack of real co-op/multiplayer is a huge disappointment and killed all my interest in the game