
i like his older stuff too i just think the 2001 comparison is the kiss of death for scifi films

i really don't like the comparisons to 2001 and i just cant quite put my finger in why. I think its partly because of my love of Kubricks films and films compared to his rarely hold up in comparison. But mainly inception and the DKR dissapointed me so much that i just can't get up for this movie, don't get me wrong

first off i compared it to multiplayer not singleplayer games, second the game isn't massive even if you stiched together the whole thing, thirdly i dont know where you're getting the hundreds of players when its 12 per instance

you could say the same thing about every multiplayer game

strikes are just slightly longer and harder "story" missions with the same pattern as well run press square or x run again kill boss. so they might as well be missions in a normal fps

what the fuck ubisoft

what the fuck bungie

excepts its not massive in any way shape or form its an open world co-op shooter not an mmo

nothing about america joining the central powers? It was possible most of the country hated Britain and there was a good deal of pro german support and compared to some of these what if's is quite reasonable

but you can't interact with other people in the standard mmo way and its more about size than anything else. you know what else has grinding and daily "quests" halo 4 is that an mmo too?

i can respect that and i agree with you on most things (except FF XIII which i never played) though i cant wait to start playing 2's multiplayer again

i dunno i like 1 alot but i really do think that 2 was better 3and reach on the other hand where garbage. Except for reach's armor design that was the best part those actually looked imposing and bad ass not like the dogshit we got in 4

calm down dude just because your reasoning is wrong doesn't mean you have to get upset.

we've known about this shit for weeks way to be late to the party again kotaku. Also they're adding a raid which is the only reason anyone will buy this garbage.

there are in game items that will boost the current raid gear up too the 32 light cap so we can all still look the same at 32

destiny is as much an mmo as borderlands is you retard 12 people per instance is not an mmo its just a co-op open world shooter. With the same basic pvp as ever other terrible halo ripoff out there

i've heard people theorize the future of naval warfare is going to include mass drone kamikaze's to overwhelm a ships missle defence systems shits crazy

i could tell of the reasons you are wrong but the children are already scared of you

unless they come at us together yes we have more planes than either alone and thats not counting our allies

yes but we don't even know if those fancy chinese missles actually work as intended. Plus given our total air dominence and multiple bases close to the Asian mainland we could easily hold back our super carriers till the threat has been delt with. Land based bombers or fighters/drones and cruse missles could easily