
i will never be a qt pink warlock

new gundam series next season so you have that

well most of the stuff i listed was subjective and maybe i was expecting the gunplay to be a clone of halo's though thats a good thing shame about the pvp though

i played it and the gunplay was terrible, the single player/co-op was boring as hell and repetitive and the competitive was horribly unbalanced

it's just about getting it up there thats difficult if we ever figure out a space elevator then it will be easy. but for now with our inability to get a launch rocket with a good power to weight ratio we're screwed.

Hanazawa is in a shit load of shows she's great

i don't blame her bullshit protection is important

that Rhode island map is BS there are a shit load of giants fans here

people are dicks

that isn't true if you buy a game thats not available in your local region

fuck these guys

come on man i set you up perfectly for the joke get on the ball i haven't even seen gaurdians and i thought of it


never saw it

i just like calling people fuckface blame 4chan

the ultras for one the fact the br's and dmrs are useless the ludicrous amount of corner camping the utteruselessness of pistols

i get the impression you dont understand what jokes are friend

and i've addressed this several times already

how is this racist?

Just you wait he's gonna be so generic it'll be hilarious though probably because goyer cant write for shit