
the day zero pre-order is cool and possibly the first real reason to pre order a cod game

that day zero thing is quite interesting and is actually a good pre order incentive

there was a female option though

i can understand that my only knowledge of him comes from the cartoon so i'll take your word for it

if he was younger i'd say denzel washington could do a great job but i'd doubt he would work now but i cant really think of anyone would excel in the role

I Just wonder who will play him and weather his mask will me off 90% of the movie or 95%

that is motherfucking retarded although you could just create a party chat with the members of your raid couldn't you?

he's one of the avengers founders isn't he? So it makes sense to me for him to get one although i'll agree there are other heros that deserve movies more. "cough" balck panther "cough"

i just don't see it maybe i never will

i dunno about interference since none if the lights where particularly close to the tv. But damn you really want me to buy a wii u huh

i don't know if i was playing a different type of wii than you were. but when ever i played my friends it was spotty at best, for games that required simple hand gestures it was fine but anything other than that it was pretty bad. unless we stood less than a foot from the tv.

too bad the tracking for it is hit or miss at best

I thought you where done replying EITHER I've struck a nerve or you just dont know when to quit


yeah i suppose your right though i'll never understand motion controls beyond the gimmick

Truly you too have nothing better to do either, and at least i know how to use the word either.

you say that and i'm just reminded of how little i care about the games on it and i hated using the wii mote for controlling games it was an awful experience in my opinion but to each his own so unless you want to sell me yours for 90 dollars i don't think i'll be getting one soon

nope i don't think i'll ever get one but if i do i'll get in in 3 years like when i got my 360 6 years into it's cycle and had more games than i had time for. But i think it just boils down to a complete and total disinterest in the big Nintendo games. read zelda mario and meteroid and beyond those 3 theres nothing i

no i'm not making that mistake again. No way i'm ever buying a console this early in its cycle again. I made that mistake with a ps3 and i already have a ps4 to sit and gather dust. I'll wait till its cheaper, they're what 250$ usd Right? too rich for my blood. (The ps4 was a gift btw i told them no but what are you
