

i don't know what kind of fancy pants cable you have but i cant do that

I just liked it more on espn simply because it alowed me to stumble upon a game and then watch it i don't even know what channel the games are on anymore

what you got a problem with people who have problem with people who don't like turtles?

10/10 reply

what are you gay?

i love the all red pat the patriot jerseys

i dunno about you but i would play the shit out of a cod 4 remake provided they add in host migration

god i want the pats to go back to their older uni's too i still hate the new ones

the flag on Olympus Mons fluttered.

good choice

really i see people shitposting with the uncensored pics all the time

this is the show with the tits right?

yes but will it be garbage like 3 or okay like 4?

i will never understand the obsession with EVA

how is gamora more intersting when they baiscally have the same character arc the only diffrences aside from their former bosses is one is green and played horribly flat and the other is terribly written or played i still can't tell

pleb taste

Wrong Rhode Island clam chowder is the best

i'm pretty sure they hanged a good chunk of 731 as well

so what where they just supposed to burn all the info they found? information is not good or evil