
it's horrible how it was acquired but using the info is not

The price is my reason to doubt it

i never said weather or not it was close i said the us and japan are likely to do everything they can to stop it especially japan, who will likely see it as a threatening move by china, which it is albeit also part of a unification process. and as for paperclip the vast majority of axis scientists that were co-opted

yeah but the Chinese aren't performing vivisections on live people. all countries try to claim land and water with resources. And Taiwan will never go back to the mainland the us and japs won't let it happen

then theres no way in shit this is solid gold

its probably shitty gold and not very pure i also doubt it's solid gold

Well that pacifism clause is gonna get removed soon enough as for the other countries they haven been hated enemies with japan for nearly as long as china and korea have. It's a matter of a millennia of conflict forresources and control of a region. And a slight apology and 60 years of peace aren't going to ease the

well first off neither midway nor the Solomon Islands were japanese possessions before the war second, they never took midway third, why would they believe us that we had this bomb. And if we hadn't invaded japan the soviets would have and as for this war crime we already had plenty under our belt before then either

Because at the root of the problem is the way they gloss over the war and what they did in it were as germany takes a big focus on what happend and how they can prevent it from happening again. And as such it comes of seemingly insulting to those countries which were subjected to japenese brutality.

But why? Did you think it was so great?

Really? i didn't think it was that great not bad but it follow the exact same plot as essentially every other marvel movie

Except they lost which means they have to assume guilt and they never really have i blame the way the occupation was handled and them not hanging Hirohito but what are you going to do at least Germany admits they committed crimes

so what we should have mounted a full scale invasion instead and quadruple the casualties of the nukes instead?

because the world still hasn't gotten over WW2 just because america did doesn't mean the rest of us have. You have to remember that japan ruled korea as a colony akin to the way europeans ran their african holdings. Koreans were used as slave labour and other ungodly things and thats just ww2 this is a deep seated at

that doesnt change the fact that they are a structural weakpoint and incredibly heavy it would be far more efffecient to use video screens to see the exterior of the ship and for flight

ugh more pointless windows i still don't understand why nasa won't get rid of them

you forgot about king Leonidas

quality van strikes back

it's Ortiz's job to do this shit thats who he is nowadays

that would require me to care and not be on a phone