
well since these would likely be used against bunkers with nukes or other wmds they want to make sure that the target is gone

it's a shame i wont be able to see this in a theater

Game: Y's series

i just wish i hadn't lost so much progress when they banned me

really? They must have changed their tune since i got banned i know earlier they put out a few updates to make it harder and i know they hot really pissed at the few english translation mods

It'll never be localized to much work for too little profit and considering how hard they made it for non japs to play now and how much the love banning us i wouldn't get your hopes up

that because the story is pants on head retarted with kojima retconning random shit

no loli

you'd also have to paint it even if you had it printed in black then get the texture right its quite the ordeal

it'll look like shit right out of the printer and would need a lot of afterwork plus paint

eve just requires an insane amount of time which most people don't have also do you actually have to buy the game or is it a free download then you just start paying the fee

You can't even watch porn on the damn thing so wh bother

he'd get wreked unless he was in frb mode thats if he was actually playing against people not just flying around