To be clear, I was saying that her methods hinder her message. I DO like her and I can believe her. I'm saying that her methods and what she says are pure Janice and that is not always good for serious discussions of what a serial rapist did.
To be clear, I was saying that her methods hinder her message. I DO like her and I can believe her. I'm saying that her methods and what she says are pure Janice and that is not always good for serious discussions of what a serial rapist did.
Just because someone is outspoken doesn't mean everything they say is true. BUT I wasn't saying she was lying; I was saying her behavior is over-the-top and it hinders the conversation. I can feel sorry for her and still wonder if her actions hurt the situation because of how she comes off. It's not all or nothing.
I never said I don't like her (I do; she's sharp and funny) and I never said she wasn't raped. I said her actions seem to hurt the cause.
She may very well be a victim. I've seen two of her interviews on this subject and... they show Janice in top form. Unfortunately there are reasons why people don't take victims seriously and Janice displays them all. The sheer number of women involved is horribly upsetting because you know there are so many more that…
I agree that it's possible to compartmentalize these things and she has mentioned Cosby before and she may be telling the truth, but Janice has always been such an attention seeker that it's hard to know what to think. Her actions are always so over-the-top. I have no doubt many of the woman who came forward are being…
It wasn't bad. Don't sweat it.
I heard them mention it on CNN, NBC-NY, and FOX—you gotta watch all the channels to get all the perspectives.
My favorite part was toward the end when she just stood in one place and shook her hair and messed it up with her hands... like she was waiting for a point in the song for her next movement cue.
I wasn't saying it was and wasn't referring to Norman; I was saying it in terms of like "every little corner" of the globe needs a local feminist knitting circle.
<<A local feminist knitting circle in Norman has banded together to publicize what has happened to the girls....>> Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's why every small town needs a local feminist knitting circle.
Excellent job on this article, Anna! It's awesome to see great reporting on a genuine issue on this site in between all the fun stuff. Thank you for covering all the points.
I'm watching this show for the first time and I am sooo distracted by the product placements! That black bag on Olivia's wrist—and then on the president's couch, etc. is so ridiculous, but the BMW shot was even more eye-rolling. Modern TV shows are so pathetic. Is there no other way to make $, or are the people who…
Thank you! It makes me nuts that people think she really wanted to adopt this older child from another country; it's clearly a storyline. Can you see Kim parading her around like baby North?
I can believe it, and that's why I watch it, but they do cycle A LOT of different people through. Even if it's in the back of producers' minds, they must be keeping note of who "works." Also, agreed, but I actually think both Today and GM have a forced "We're having fun!" vibe.
He was on the Howard Stern show in Oct. "I've been doing the bit on and off for six months. It was unexpected. It wasn't my intention to make it part of a big discussion," Buress told Stern. "It was just something I was doing at that venue right there. So for someone to put it to the media, it's crazy."
CBS is more adult about it. There no one runs off to put a story in the NY Post!
That's funny because I would guess this to be the CBS Morning Show. They have three hosts, but lately are always rotating people in, so that it's rarely those three together. Recently they've had Jane Pauley, but it's a lot of their other anchors and reporters, too.
<<we must also respect her gangster>> Oh come on, she was a doormat. A beautiful one, but still a doormat.
Wow, tough crowd. They probably met backstage before they went on stage—and maybe he French kissed him then.
But it's a silent h...