
The first part of Sherri's statement said, ""After careful consideration, it is time for me to move on...." And then you have Jenny with the "If she goes, I go#sisters" stuff. The same thing happened with Hasselback. Why do people on this show always act like they made the decision to leave? That's clearly not the

I know what you mean; it's like Aidy Bryant on SNL (although it's worse on SNL). Sometimes it seems like their heaviness is the star of the joke.

Seriously, Tim Russert made me get interested in politics because he was so genuinely enthusiastic.

A random letter? Like a silent letter, as in Khris, or a really random letter, as in Jzoe?

He's probably one of those parents that SAYS they do one thing in relation to their kids, but what he actually does another. He probably won't leave so much though.

I kinda wonder if this is staged for attention since his career fell off after one huge summer hit. It's just too ridiculous.

You are totally right, but—for the record—the source of the article says she was on set for one day so it's not that she got a job. Although, yes, she could... anytime she wants and maybe for $600,000 a year. :)

Finally, someone who says it's ridiculous!

Why don't the networks see that people are tiring of reality shows? If you don't have ladies flipping tables or a big-butted family, no one will watch something new.

So then did he dump them all in the trash after this? :)

Thank you. I crown you today's Voice of Reason.

If someone sketched out and stitched a cute needlepoint like that for me, I'd be their best friend.

It would be great if Lil Kim was like, "Yeah, well, I'm a biiiig Little House fan."

Madam, this is a brilliant opening line: <<Like teenage Vine stars, singing competition shows, and the man who I sometimes see with his dong casually out on the subway, I usually ignore Washington Post columnist and living Republican stereotype George Will.>>

yes, #2; been together a while

Sad. But now Madonna can date someone closer to her own age....

I think they are back together tho.

Well, they do have a way of going in circles here, but I just posted quickly because I posted a comment on something else accidentally in here. :)

<<Jennifer Lopezand Casper Smart actually broke up two and a half months ago...>> Total bs. They are saying this now because her big promo concert in the Bronx is done and they are trying to save face from what he did.

oops, sigh, feminism debate again