Funding for NYC after Sept 11. But also members in Congress do a lot being part of committees.
Funding for NYC after Sept 11. But also members in Congress do a lot being part of committees.
Oh, of course she will. I used to think maybe she wouldn't, but they've clearly been setting up everything for her run. She just doesn't want to say yes now because then too much attention will be on her and more questions will come.
It's an issue he cared about for a long time, he loves horses, and he has friends who tend to the carriage horses. DeBlasio has announced he'll end the carriages and won't hear anything different from the other side. I don't totally agree with LN, but I don't think it's weird to feel passionately about an issue.
Maybe because he said people on here have to "grow up"?
I saw it on Saturday. I thought it was boring and the script was sort of bad, but MM is pretty good so I was begrudging okay with his win, although Chiwetel was better in my mind. Anyway, you can't properly complain about things unless you experience them, so maybe you should see it.
wax, lasers, unhairy genetics maybe?
Good point. I could actually believe that, just so she'd have a reason to leave because they make up so much crap for story lines on that show.
Agreed, but when the pickin's are slim on decent candidates... you have to hope that 70 really is the new 50.
I think you can't totally compare how people are at or around the same age. My dad is two years older than my mom, but he acts 20 years older than her. And she acts (physically, too) about 20 years younger than she is.
Or "that black guy we named a holiday after."
I have this too—autographed. The think the signature is better than the recipes. Some look rough.
Won't the fact that only some sites/sources will still have photos of the kids make them garner more $ for photographers? I mean, the images will be rarer now, so they'll fetch more $. I see this backfiring somehow.
Agreed. As her statement proves, the term victim is equated to being weak. People who have love and support can probably overcome things better and/or a bit faster than people who who have to find the magical strength from within.
That's not true. She starts out talking about victims in general—saying that's what being a victim IS and SHE didn't like that. Claiming that victims are a certain negative way is certainly offensive to anyone who has ever had a horrible thing happen to them and yet received no support and found no "comfort."
I am so confused as to why so many famous people find Miley interesting and went to her show in LA. I mean, I was really floored when I saw Diane Keaton and Sarah Paulson in a picture there. Are people really this hard up for something "edgy"? She is only, like, lame-edgy.
Yeah, she is looking genuinely like a victim in this clip. However, I hope in 10 years we don't have to see three generations of this family having these issues. Some people learn what NOT to do from a bad parent; Farrah doesn't seem to be one of those people.
Farrah is just as bad, and if she cut all ties there would be no one to raise her child.
I think at this point only a few people who were not aware of her shtick (moms, apparently) find it salacious. Pretty much everyone else thinks it's totally stupid and annoying, or really cool because it supposedly irritates people.
I've never seen GoT, but I looked at this image and went back up to watch the video I had skipped. Nice.
Ha. I caught this, too. She was totally throwing shade.