
Yes, 100% agree. It was obviously leaked by his management who want to salvage his career and make him look deserving of sympathy, not disgust.

I hate to put a damper on that memory/video because you used the word crescendo and your description was so good I had to watch the end of that video, but... there's no way that crowd was into the song; they were there to party at the MTV ski house and were made to cheer at some points (typical TV stuff). Still, sure,

It's what they, in desperation, THINK people want. People who need the latest info immediately on Bieber don't go to MSNBC.

Yeah, but the question is, Is the media leading us there or are the people just too hungry for crap?

People keep reporting that he said his mom gave him the drugs, but I don't necessarily believe she did. That's what you say when you want to act like you didn't know what drugs you have.

Yup, and they smelled so good.

Some of it was on TMZ. He just seems like he's a jerk trying to get attention.

When you see the video on TMZ, this guy is a total jerk, looking for attention, but (seemingly) not the "racist" evil-doer noted here. I could understand her feeling intimidated, but a punch in the face seems unnecessary.

I think it's similar to a jerk circle.

Yeah, but they think they know them. I don't agree with them; I just think I get what makes these people—esp young girls—act like bullies when someone bashes the guy/girl they love. It's totally like they are role playing what happens in school—or in Chris Christie's administration.

I think there's a general human need to fit into a group and follow a leader, unless you want to be the leader. Some people get that twisted.

I read in one of the NY newspapers that 3 other stores recently found out they had the same problem, but the govt is waiting for the stores to disclose it.

I love the idea of zoos (amazing animals in one place), but over the years I have come to feel saddened by them. Years ago I saw a tiger in a zoo in Peru that was in a cage only three times its size and that was the end for me. Are there any zoos that are "good"? I guess animal preserves are best? More spread apart

Oh my gosh, whatta sweet, beautiful dog. So glad there are people to rescue these animals.

Like the lady said, we need more info. Was it continuous? How did they measure it? Was it totally solid? On and on....

Ouuuuuuch. Oh, wait, he was dead.

The weirdest thing about the tribute is that they showed it and then, after a commercial, showed all of the insane "highlights" from the new season—people crying, being dramatic, full of revenge, hysterical, etc. It was like the producers didn't see the instability connection.

I actually got a bit teary before she did—about halfway through her apology. She was speaking so strongly; I guess it was good to hear a genuine apology.