
Yeah, I felt bad for her because the comments from past cast members and the family were so mean, but her statement is so self-righteous.

I have mixed feelings about famous people boycotting big events like the Olympics, or places—like when Stevie Wonder said he'd boycott Florida after Trayvon Martin's shooting. It's important to take a stand. However, comments like Gaga's or Stevie's are big deal for a day after they say it, but if you go there and

Yes, and major issues with hearing loss.

Maybe we should see how she does before completely trashing the idea of it—and her. I try to watch things for myself, so I can properly trash them if they are terrible. I thought Little Mama was totally a joke before the TLC movie, but she ended up doing a beautiful job as Left Eye and actually portrayed her deeper

Hmm, that top. Is she hiding a baby bump?

It could just be that he bought something and said "put it on my bill," but the story gets translated person-to-person as this.

That's funny because I think of that teen mom who did the porno's irritating reedy, whiny voice saying it to her daughter on Teen Mom. (I know, I know, I don't watch it any more.)

Also, if you went to the store, they had these popper things where you opened them and inside it said you got up to $100 off. I got an extra $10 off. So... Anthro is worth it on Black Friday.

I thought this was going to say "...insults Kanye."

Seems like it. Anyone who is called the "Mubarak of" anything is probably a little off (because HM is corrupt).

Kanye is the new Courtney Love. They can be sharp and funny, but really they speak in hyperbole and string together a lot of ideas that don't make sense. They say things that are bold and/or outrageous, which makes some people say they are geniuses. I think it's because they are insecure and need constant attention,

I love her and she's a fantastic performer, but she's very obviously had work done on he face. It looks rough. I wish cool rockers like her and Debbie H. would limit themselves a bit. There's beauty in getting older if your personality is as cool as theirs.

Agreed. That said, once people explain why it upset them, I get it. Also, when I read the quotes from the Kimmel interview above, I get it. But she is fetishizing (sp?) a culture, not being racist. I mean when non-Italians were on the Sopranos talkin' like Tony, or whatever, few people got upset about it. It's role

I'm not a fan usually, but I thought it was great. He was in Florida, so it seemed appropriate and respectful.

As I've explained to my mom many times, people shouldn't call people Oriental anymore. It's considered offensive. Rugs are Oriental; people are Asian.

Years ago when I did AIDS Walk NY she and her daughter walked near me. She seemed pretty nice and probably even got a little sweaty.

Ah, yes, but I saw it in the noses and mouths—great mouths.

You definitely have a type, and it works.

Supposedly they are sort of low for direct poisoning, but certainly higher than a person would normally have, which could indicate—among other things—contamination of the sample. That's why saying it's definitely murder, as he does, seems off. I hope they find out what happened.

Thoughtful response appreciated. Also, <hug> for the loss of your baby boy. I'm sending you good wishes.